God help us all!

If people are really googling that…. maybe there’s no hope for humanity… my girlfriend hasn’t had period since she got pregnant, do you think the baby is drinkin the blood?

Generation Y

– The Silent generation, people born before 1945. – The Baby Boomers, people born between 1945 and 1961. – Generation X, people born between 1962 and 1976. – Generation Y, people born between 1977 and 1989. Why do we call the last one generation Y.  I did not know, until… Continue reading

Sobre a descoberta da farsa da Mega-Sena

Hoje recebi novamente um email espalhando boatos, desta vez falando sobre a suposta fraude que seria a mega-sena da Caixa Economica federal. Uma rápida busca no Google, mostra que várias pessoas acreditam cegamente que realmente a fraude é verdadeira. Um dos links entretanto, no Yahoo! Respostas; faz você raciocinar, entretanto… Continue reading