My current methods while using Kohana 3.0.8 – part 1

I’ve finally decided to get started on documenting how I’ve been using this wonderful framework. So if you’re patient enough to deal with my crazy schedule (meaning this series may take a while to be finish), fasten your seatbelt: First of all: Know your environment (your public html folder, a… Continue reading

Thanks to Thibaut Lauzière

Today I got 10 stickers from Thibaut Lauzière, creator of Linux Live USB Creator. I couldn’t find anything really white right away, so I thought I’d just take a picture against my LCD monitor 🙂 Thanks, Thibaut

Responder ou não responder: eis a questão

Como todo brasileiro que se preza, várias vezes eu sou obrigado a adquirir um serviço que depois descubro que na verdade não precisava e preciso fazer pedido de cancelamento do pedido, pedido de estorno etc. Na época da Internetz não é diferente…. E NEM A FALTA DE ATENÇÃO: Comecem a… Continue reading

Center a unordered UL/LI based menu

I lost count of how many times I broke my head trying to do this…. so taking a note will hurt less for sure: styles: #footer{text-align:center;list-style:none} #footer li{display:inline} HTML <ul id=”footer”> <li><a href=”1.php”>Link 1</a></li> <li><a href=”2n.php”>Link 2</a></li> <li><a href=”3.php”>Link 3</a></li> </ul> Really simple in the end