Squeeze: Setting up compiz on Debian Squeeze

My laptop has a nVidia Geforce 8660M GT, so I’m installing nVidia drivers follow this: http://wiki.debian.org/NvidiaGraphicsDrivers apt-get install module-assistant nvidia-kernel-common m-a auto-install nvidia-kernel${VERSION}-source Let’s go for the eye candy sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main Follow this: http://wiki.debian.org/Compiz

Squeeze: Installing VirtualBox 3.2_3.2.12-68302~Debian~squeeze_amd64

First we install some required packages sudo aptitude install libqt4-network libqt4-opengl libqtcore4 libqtgui4 Then we install VirtualBox download from VirtualBox.org : sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-3.2_3.2.12-68302~Debian~squeeze_amd64.deb Include your user in the group “vboxusers”

Linux:: settings shortcuts for your ssh connections to hosts

If you wish you could use friendly names to access your servers, here’s how to do it: Edit your ~/.ssh/config and add the following: Host myserver HostName Port 12345 User bob Host other_server HostName test.something.org User alice CheckHostIP no Cipher blowfish Please, remember to customize “HostName” and “User” values… Continue reading

/bin/bash: Remove Dreamweaver synchronization “stuff” from your hosting

As an online note, I’m writing this post to remind myself and help others that still suffer using Dreamweaver on a daily basis and at some point end up having a bunch of unwanted folders and files that Dreamweaver keeps for synchronization information. To remove all that from a Linux… Continue reading

Thanks to Thibaut Lauzière

Today I got 10 stickers from Thibaut Lauzière, creator of Linux Live USB Creator. I couldn’t find anything really white right away, so I thought I’d just take a picture against my LCD monitor 🙂 Thanks, Thibaut

Use an alias to SSH to a server

Create a file ~/.ssh/config and insert the following: mauricio@rynex:~$ cat .ssh/config Host SERVER_ALIAS Port PORT HostName SERVER_NAME User USERNAME Compression yes TCPKeepAlive yes Change according to your servername, username and port, of course. Then you can simply use: ssh SERVER_ALIAS to connect to the server instead of using: ssh username@hostname

Making your server trust your laptop

How to use private/public keys to have your server trust your laptop, so you don’t need to type your password over the wire Continue reading