Best Christmas Decoration Ever

Make sure to read story at bottom… Fantastic! “Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas  decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days. I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever. Great… Continue reading

Apple to replace magsafe adapters even out-of-warranty

After doing some researching and finding videos showing how to re-solder the cable and stuff, I stumble upon this page: And thought it was worth a shot going to the apple store here in Pasadena. So I made an appointment and in about 15 minutes I got a new… Continue reading

Redirecting to another page when Flash is not installed

For all you that need to redirect users to another page if they don’t have Flash installed and use swfobject, just drop this code and you’re good to go: var playerVersion = swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion(); // returns a JavaScript object var majorVersion = playerVersion.major; // access the major, minor and release version… Continue reading

Solving Firefox 3.5.5 slow response and high CPU usage

Tonight I got fed up of Firefox 3.5.x eating up CPU cycles and not being responsive…. So I decided to google that to see what other have experienced and tried. After uninstalling Flash (just to be sure as it seems it was not guilty this time 🙂 ), I tried… Continue reading

A base controller using Kohana v3.0.3

Here’s how I created a base controller for websites I develop using Kohana v3 1. create a website config file ( application/config/website.php ): <?php defined(‘SYSPATH’) OR die(‘No Direct Script Access’); return array( ‘site_name’ => ‘Example site’,); <?php defined(‘SYSPATH’) OR die(‘No Direct Script Access’); return array( ‘site_name’ => ‘Example site’, );… Continue reading

Removing “index.php” from kohana v3 urls

Now that you have Kohana v3 installed, let’s remove “index.php” from all the URLs to help our SEO capabilities. Rename the file “example.htaccess” to “.htaccess” or merge its contents if you already have one in place. You should change the line: RewriteBase /kohana to point to the folder where your… Continue reading

Annoying advertisement

Sometimes ads are way too invasive… the one provided by this domain, for example: I don’t mind ads… (most of the time at least)… but when they have audio going on and I’m listening to songs I like, then it’s get really annoying. To prevent that, I did the… Continue reading

Weird: FCK loses first line of formatted text when submitting

Last night (Oct, 28th), I was fixing a very weird problem where text edited using FCK, submitted via jQuery was losing the very first line when it was formatted (color, style) but not every single time… randomly it seemed. At first, I thought it would be something wrong with FCK… Continue reading

Creating a content controller using Kohana v3.0

These are the things I needed to change on .httacess to have kohana default files working before creating my first controller:  # Turn on URL rewriting RewriteEngine On # Installation directory RewriteBase /kohana/ # Protect hidden files from being viewed <Files .*> Order Deny,Allow Deny From All </Files> # Protect… Continue reading

Playing around with Kohana v3

New Kohana version is out, grab it from here: And again, extract to a folder on your web server. On good thing to do is extract both “Application” and “System” into a folder accessible to the user your webserver runs (usually, apache, nobody, httpd) and change the paths inside… Continue reading