Intranet: [ArchLinux] Setup a DNSCACHE for your network using DJBDNS

This is a version of this post for the ArchLinuxARM:   Essentials: # pacman -Syu fakeroot patch make gcc dnsutils   Daemontools installation $ wget $ tar -xvzf daemontools.tar.gz $ cd daemontools $ nano PKGBUILD ——————– arch=('arm') ——————– $ makepkg $ sudo pacman -U daemontools-0.76-5-arm.pkg.tar.xz   You shoould… Continue reading

Kohana 3.2.0: Version Control your application with GIT

Follow these steps to manage your kohana application using GIT:   1. Create an empty directory $ mkdir insertcoin.local && cd insertcoin.local   2. run git init to create the bare structure for a git repository $ git init   3. create a folder for the core $ mkdir vendor  … Continue reading

Change Default Country on Google Apps (even free edition)

Change Default Country In Google Apps     Once your default country is selected in your Google Apps account you cannot change it. Sometime it becomes necessary to change the default country for eg: when you change your country.   To force the change follow the steps below: Login to… Continue reading

Kaspersky 2012: download link

  for the 2013, go here Internet Secutirity   Go here (2012): Anti-Virus

Code:: css-form

I just started a Google Code hosted project since I'm always in need of pretty forms for my HTML things. Let me know if you want/can contribute to it. It's currently licensed under GPL 2.0 Here's the address:     Why: I want to keep my css/javascript/html 5 knowledge current

PHP Killer: Do not do this on your code

Unless you want/need to kill some time… do not do the following on your PHP code, or you will be banging your head against the wall:   1. Use trim() inside empty():   sample: if (!empty(trim($item))) { }   work around: $item = trim($item); if (!empty($item)) { }    … Continue reading

(ve) Installing LAMP on Debian Squeeze – 64bit

aptitude update aptitude safe-upgrade aptitude install mysql-server mysql-client       NGINX aptitude install libpcre3-dev build-essential libssl-dev sudo cd /opt/ wget tar -xvzf nginx-1.0.8.tar.gz cd nginx-1.0.8 ./configure –prefix=/opt/nginx –user=nginx –group=nginx –with-http_ssl_module –conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf –error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log –http-log-path=/var/log/nginx/access_log –with-http_ssl_module –with-http_geoip_module –pid-path=/var/run/ nginx path prefix: “/opt/nginx” nginx binary file: “/opt/nginx/sbin/nginx” nginx configuration prefix:… Continue reading

AppSumo: $100 for life per year on Amazon

I can sure use it Win $100 A Year For Life At 10 lucky winners will get an $100 Gift Card every year for the rest of their lives! Ends soon!  

.htaccess: Redirect old site to new one

When you move your website to a new domain, you may wanna redirect people to the new domain, so you don’t have to build your traffic all over again. Add this to your .htaccess on your old website: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ! RewriteRule $ http://brand-new-website/ [R=301,L]