Create yourself a user:
#adduser "desired_name"
Allow yourself to sudo make a sandwich:
#nano /etc/sudoers
make sure you add the following updates:
%users ALL=(ALL) ALL
(In case you decided to create your user on a different group, change the line above acordingly)
Install Gnome SlackBuild
#echo "SOURCE=" >> /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc #slapt-get --update #slapt-get --add-keys #slapt-get --install alsa-lib bluez glib2 gtk+2 libwnck #slapt-get --upgrade
Now to the actual Gnome installation (just a basic desktop):
#slapt-get --install gsb-desktop
Now it’s recommended to reboot your system… so…
To test your gnome installation, type
#init 4
and try logging in
If everything looks fine, change /etc/inittab to start your Slackware on runlevel 4
Install NetworkManager
#slapt-get --install NetworkManager network-manager-applet #chmod +x /etc/rc.d/rc.messagebus /etc/rc.d/rc.hald /etc/rc.d/rc.networkmanager #gpasswd -a mauricio netdev #polkit-auth --grant --user "mauricio"